Available courses

Estimated Duration: 8 hr

This ISO 22301 Fundamentals package is ideal for a new BCM practitioner who would like to know the end to end process of how to start a BCM plan for their organisation as well as maintain it once it has been implemented through online learning.

It will take them through modules on:

  • Overview of Business Continuity Management
  • Project Management
  • Risk Analysis and Review
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Business Continuity Strategy
  • BC Plan Development
  • Testing and Exercising
  • Program Management
Participants would be awarded 8 Certificate of CompIetion and 1 Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP) Certificate.

Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

Attending the course will provide the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

  • Understanding ISO22301 BCMS Concepts and Process
  • Understand the BCMS Framework and BCM Program
  • Aligning to ISO 22301/ 22313 BCMS Standard
  • Planning and Preparing the BCMS Audit

  • Participants should be able to understand the details of an audit application: the planning, preparation, deployment, and implementation of an audit assignment.

    This is is Module 2 of both BCM-8030 ISO 22301 BCMS Auditor & BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor

    Participants would be eligible to apply for the Business Continuity Certified Auditor (BCCA) Certification once they complete module 1, module 2 and module 3, pass the BCCA qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    These 2 module sessions would take participants through what is expected of an ISO 22301 BCMS auditor. Participants will be taken through the steps of how to conduct audit fieldwork and present their findings. 

    Participants are required to attend two 2.5 hours sessions that will concentrate on:

    • The learning from auditing an organisation
    • the conduct of a BCM audit interview
    • the presentation of findings of Audit

    This is Module 3 of both BCM-8030 ISO 22301 BCMS Auditor & BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor

    Participants would be eligible to apply for the Business Continuity Certified Auditor (BCCA) Certification once they complete module 1, module 2 and module 3, pass the BCCA qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    This is Module 4 only for BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor course.

    Participants can look forward to knowing how to review and report an ISO 22301 BCMS audit findings as well as how to conduct an audit follow up.

    Participants would be eligible to apply for the Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor (BCCLA) Certification once they complete all modules (M1 - M4), pass the BCCLA qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 150 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

    Price: SGD1,350
    Estimated Duration: 8 hr

    This ISO 22301 Fundamentals package is ideal for a new BCM practitioner who would like to know the end to end process of how to start a BCM plan for their organisation as well as maintain it once it has been implemented through online learning.

    It will take them through modules on:

    • Overview of Business Continuity Management
    • Project Management
    • Risk Analysis and Review
    • Business Impact Analysis
    • Business Continuity Strategy
    • BC Plan Development
    • Testing and Exercising
    • Program Management
    Participants would be awarded 8 Certificates of completion and 1 Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP) Certificate.

    Price: SGD1,650
    Estimated Duration: 8 hr

    This ISO 22301 Fundamentals package is ideal for a new BCM practitioner who would like to know the end to end process of how to start a BCM plan for their organisation as well as maintain it once it has been implemented through online learning.

    It will take them through modules on:

    • Overview of Business Continuity Management
    • Project Management
    • Risk Analysis and Review
    • Business Impact Analysis
    • Business Continuity Strategy
    • BC Plan Development
    • Testing and Exercising
    • Program Management
    Participants would be awarded 8 Certificate of CompIetion and 1 Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP) Certificate.

    Price: SGD 2,400 (Singapore Dollar)  

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

    • Assist the business head in determining and implementing the BC project and plan.
    • Identify possible threats that may disrupt critical business functions in the business units and organization.
    • Identify and analyze business requirements to recover the business unit’s critical function.
    • Develop effective functional response and recovery plans.
    • Conduct tests and exercises as part of the organizational requirement.
    • Strengthen organisational resiliency to counter major incidents and disasters.

    Price: SGD 2,400 (Singapore Dollar)  

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 4 weeks

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

    • Assist the business head in determining and implementing the BC project and plan.
    • Identify possible threats that may disrupt critical business functions in the business units and organization.
    • Identify and analyze business requirements to recover the business unit’s critical function.
    • Develop effective functional response and recovery plans.
    • Conduct tests and exercises as part of the organizational requirement.
    • Strengthen organisational resiliency to counter major incidents and disasters.

    Price: SGD 3,850 (Singapore Dollar)  

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 8 weeks

    This course will provide participants with the concept and knowledge, which will enable them to:

    • Identify possible threats that may disrupt critical business functions in the organisation.
    • Strengthen organisational resiliency to counter major incidents and disaster.
    • Identify and analyse business requirements to recover critical business function.
    • Develop business continuity and recovery strategies.
    • Develop and implement comprehensive BC plans.
    • Create and develop BCM awareness and training programme.
    • Conduct exercises and tests.
    • Implement BCM audit and assessment programmes to ensure BC plan effectiveness.
    • Drive organisation-wide BCM program.
    • Ensure effective program management on an ongoing basis.

    Price: SGD 3,850 (Singapore Dollar)

    Price: SGD1,650
    Estimated Duration: 8 hr

    This ISO 22301 Fundamentals package is ideal for a new BCM practitioner who would like to know the end to end process of how to start a BCM plan for their organisation as well as maintain it once it has been implemented through online learning.

    It will take them through modules on:

    Participants would be awarded 8 Certificate of CompIetion and 1 Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP) Certificate.

    Price: SGD275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    Participants will be given a broad introduction to the business continuity management (BCM) as an organisational discipline.

    The need for BCM is first established followed by an overview of the BCM planning methodology. Each phase of the methodology is explained together with the de facto standard for BCM, ISO 22301.

    Key terminologies are defined and examples of business continuity situations are provided to reinforce understanding.

    At the end of the module, participants would be able to:

    • Understand the basic concepts of BCM
    • Align BCM initiatives to Top Management's goals
    • Identify the benefits and key success factors of BCM - Understand main clauses in ISO 22031 Standard
    • Identify the BCM Planning Methodology, framework and phases in the BCM Planning cycle.

    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: SGD275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    This module will help participants to learn the fundamentals of the first phase of the BCM planning methodology, Project Management. They will also be introduced to the BCM Planning Methodology as well as BCM framework and its components. Participants will also learn the importance of leadership and management commitment as well as the roles and responsibilities within the BCM organisation.

    At the end of the module, participants would be able to:

    • Understand the requirements of the project management phase
    • Identify the BCM planning methodology, framework and its components
    • Understand the importance of leadership and management commitment
    • State the roles and responsibilities within the BCM organisation.

    Participants will be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: SGD 275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    This module would allow participants to learn about the 2nd phase of the BCM planning methodology, Risk Analysis and Review.

    In this module, participants will be able to get an overview of the risk analysis and review process and appreciate the process in relation to business continuity planning through online learning. Participants will also be taught now to identify threats and determine the risk likelihood, impact and rating for the threats. They will be able to distinguish between threats and risks. They will then be taught how to manage these threats and risks via the different risk treatment options and controls available.

    At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

    • Conduct a comprehensive risk analysis for their organisation or department
    • Propose solutions to manage the identified risk

    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: SGD275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    This module would help participants to learn more on the fundamentals of Business Impact Analysis (BIA), the 3rdphase of the BCM planning methodology, so as to successfully implement the BCM planning process.

    Participants will be taught the basic concepts and processes in BIA where they’ll learn the steps, activities and outcomes of the BIA phase through online learning. They will be taught to understand the various BIA data collection method and analyse the data collected.

    Participants will also be taught how to identify critical business functions (CBF), related inter- dependencies and vital records. They will also be taught how to identify the impact to business and CBFs during a disaster.

    At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

    • Determine the critical business functions in their organisation
    • Establish recovery windows, including time sensitive processes
    • Understand the impact to the organisation and critical business functions whether it be qualitative or quantitative
    • Identify the inter-dependencies and vital records relation to the critical business functions.
    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: SGD275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    This module would assist participants to learn more about the fundamentals of Business Continuity (BC) Strategy.

    Participants will be taught on the key concepts and requirements of a BC Strategy through online learning. They will understand the recovery flow chart and strategy development process as well as be aware of the considerations and constraints of BC strategies.

    They will also be taught on how to select the appropriate strategy from the various options and formulate the final BC strategy. Parts of learning outcomes include the understanding on how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis as well as be aware of the various alternate site options.

    At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the key concepts and requirements of the Business Continuity Strategy phase
    • Understand how to develop an organisation/corporate level as well as business unit BC strategy.

    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: USD200
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    This module would allow participants to learn more about the fundamentals of Business Continuity (BC) Plan Development.

    They will be taught to understand the basic content, format and procedures of a BC Plan and the Plan Development process through online learning. Participants will also be taught be aware of the various BC teams and how they interact during a disaster. Participants are also taught to be aware of some of the ideal team member characteristics. Incident and emergency response plans and procedures would also be taught where participants will be aware of the various roles and responsibilities of various persons during an incident and emergency response.

    Participants will also get to learn the crisis management and communication process during a disaster where they will get to understand the role of a Command Centre, the do’s and don’ts in a crisis communication as well as to understand the Incident Command System (ICS).

    At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the concepts and process in a BC Plan Development
    • Know the purpose and composition of teams and individuals involved in the BC Plan Development phase
    • Understand Incident and Emergency Response
    • Understand Crisis Management and Communications

    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: SGD275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    This module will teach participants on how to test and exercise their BC Plan.

    They will learn the fundamentals of the testing and exercising phase where they will be able to explain the difference between testing and exercising and identify the types of test and exercises through online learning. They will also be taught how to design an effective test and exercise for their organisation. They will also be taught how to document these test and exercises in accordance to the industry best practices. Lastly, they will be taught on how to conduct such tests and follow ups.

    At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the fundamentals of the Testing and Exercising phase
    • Identify the guidelines and procedures to be followed in designing and documenting tests and exercises
    • Understand how to conduct and execute tests and exercises

    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    Price: SGD275
    Estimated Duration: 1 hr

    In this module participants will be taught the fundamentals of the last phase of the BCM Planning Methodology, Program Management through online learning.

    Here they will be able to differentiate between BC Program and BC Management Systems (BCMS), basic level testing and advanced level testing as well as identify the 5 stages of Program Management. They will also be able to understand the processes involved in BC plan maintenance and document management as well as understand the principles behind the design and development of BCM test and exercise activities. They will also be taught on training and the stages in BCM training cycle.

    The last chapter of the module would then help them to understand the review, audit and performance evaluation aspects of program management. They will be able to identify what needs to be evaluated in a BCMS and elaborate on performance evaluation.

    At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the concepts and processes involved in the Program Management phase
    • Understand the processes involved in BC plan maintenance and document management
    • Understand the additional requirement needed, should an organisation be pursuing its ISO 22301 certification.
    • Understand how tests, exercises and training are conducted in the BC process
    • Understand the Review and Audit and performance evaluation process

    Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.

    This course teaches the development and setting up of the BCM project framework.

    It covers:

    • Identifying Scope, Objectives & Product/Services
    • Developing WBS and Deliverables
    • Identifying BCM Organization Structures
    • Identifying Threats
    • Understanding Scope and Parameters of Risk Likelihood Rating
    • Setting Risk & Impact Boundaries

    In-house Training. Note that if the training is to implement an actual BCM project, the content will be developed in real-time and be ready to implement in your organisation.  The Facilitator will also value-add to guide you to complete a policy and framework document to kick-off this project.

    Price: SGD 1,600 
    Estimated Duration: 16 hr and 2 hr [assessment]

    This is a 2-day course or four 1/2-day sessions aimed to train the participants to be able to apply project scope management techniques, to be able to implement project scope management plan and use scope change control procedures; and apply these techniques in the initiating of a Business Continuity (BCM) program for their organization.

    This course takes participants through various activities and considerations involved in setting up and correctly framing the BCM project before actually diving into the details. It is a combination of theory and facilitated hands-on application whereby concepts are translated into practice using a set of templates.

    Price: SGD 800 [Before SSG Funding]
    Estimated Duration for Module 1: 8 hr and 2 hr [assessment]

    This course is part of a joint initiative by BCM Institute and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). It is the first in a three-part series SSG WSQ BCM courses. This first WSQ business continuity management (BCM) course teaches participants the know-how of assessing risk [RAR] and business impact requirements [BIA].

    The course covers the first 2 fundamental steps in implementing a BCM plan. This course on assessing risk and business impact requirements would allow participants to gain WSQ competency in identifying critical business functions (CBF). Besides CBF, participants will also be able to understand how to assess a business unit inter-dependency. Other competencies they will be able to pick up include:

    • analysing and quantifying internal and external risks
    • reviewing and assessing risk
    • reporting risk factors findings
    • impact analysis
    • solution recommendations and/or mitigating strategies to relevant stakeholders

    On completion of this module by oral and written assessment, you will be awarded a "Statement of Attainment" or SOA from SkillsFuture Singapore.

    Price: SGD 800 [Before SSG Funding]

    Estimated Duration for Module 1: 8 hr and 2 hr [assessment]

    This course is part of a  joint initiative by BCM Institute and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). It is the second in a three-part series of SSG WSQ BCM courses. This second WSQ business continuity management (BCM) course is a follow-up to the assessing risk and business impact requirement course. This course teaches participants the know-how to develop business continuity strategies and plans. It is thus a pre-requisite to complete the BCM-310 course before registering for it.

    As part of the syllabus for developing business continuity strategies and plans, participants would be taught competencies of:

    • acquiring facilitation techniques to support the development of organisational business continuity strategies
    • interpreting the strategies
    • developing business continuity plans
    • recommending refinement techniques to the developed strategies and plans

    Price: SGD 800 [Before SSG Funding]

    Estimated Duration for Module 1: 8 hr and 2 hr [assessment]

    The last of a three-part competency-based Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG),  Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) training series teaches participants the skills of testing and exercising business continuity plans.

    This 1-day workshop would go through the skillsets needed to:

    • support the periodic exercising of crisis response and recovery activities
    • support periodic auditing of business continuity plans
    • participate in business continuity testing,
    • document formal exercise and testing for management review.
    • design and develop their test and exercise
    • base the test design on the maturity of BCM program,

    Thank you for attending BCM Institue's WSQ BCM course.  In this eCampus Module, proceed to download your templates and upload them when you have completed the template as per the deadline assigned on your course schedule.

    The facilitator will be reviewing your submission and provide you with comments.

    Unless you are instructed specifically to "Redo" and a failing grade, the comments is to enhance your understanding of the subject.

    The WSQ BCM assignments are:

    • Risk Analysis and Review (WSQ_BCM-310)
    • Business Impact Analysis (WSQ_BCM-310)
    • Business Continuity Strategy (WSQ-BCM-320)
    • BC Plan Development (WSQ-BCM-320)
    • Testing and Exercising (WSQ-BCM-330)

    Price: SGD 640
    Estimated Duration: 1 day coursework (7 hours) and 2 hr [assessment]

    This is a 1-day course or two 1/2-day sessions aimed to train the participants on the essential steps of developing a training roadmap in the event of a crisis, including the types of training awareness programmes and training delivery methods for a crisis, the types of disruptions caused by a crisis, and how to evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme.

    Estimated Duration: 4 hr and 1 hr [assessment]

    This course is part of a  joint initiative by BCM Institute and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). It is the first in a three-part series SSG WSQ BCM courses. This first WSQ business continuity management (BCM) course teaches participants the know-how of assessing risk [RAR] and business impact requirements [BIA].

    The course covers the first 2 fundamental steps in implementing a BCM plan. This course on assessing risk and business impact requirements would allow participants to gain WSQ competency in identifying critical business functions (CBF). Besides CBF,  participants will also be able to understand how to assess a business unit inter-dependencies. Other competencies they will be able to pick up include:

    • analysing and quantifying internal and external risks
    • reviewing and assessing risk
    • reporting risk factors findings

    On completion of this module by oral and written assessment, you will be awarded a "Statement of Attainment" or SOA from SkillsFuture Singapore.

    Estimated Duration: 4 hr and 1 hr [assessment]

    This course is part of a  joint initiative by BCM Institute and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). It is the first in a three-part series SSG WSQ BCM courses. This first WSQ business continuity management (BCM) course teaches participants the know-how of assessing risk [RAR] and business impact requirements [BIA].

    The course covers the first 2 fundamental steps in implementing a BCM plan. This course on assessing risk and business impact requirements would allow participants to gain WSQ competency in identifying critical business functions (CBF). Besides CBF,  participants will also be able to understand how to assess a business unit inter-dependencies. Other competencies they will be able to pick up include:

    • impact analysis
    • solution recommendations and/or mitigating strategies to relevant stakeholders

    On completion of this module by oral and written assessment, you will be awarded a "Statement of Attainment" or SOA from SkillsFuture Singapore.

    This course is part of a  joint initiative by BCM Institute and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). It is the second in a three-part series SSG WSQ BCM courses. This second WSQ business continuity management (BCM) course is a follow up to the assessing risk and business impact requirement course. This course teaches participants the know-how of developing business continuity strategies  [Part A] and plans [Part B]. It is thus a pre-requisite to complete for the BCM-310 course before registering for this course.

    As part of the syllabus of developing business continuity strategies and plans, participants would be taught competencies of:

    - facilitation techniques to support the development of organisational business continuity strategies [Part A]

    - interpreting the strategies [Part A]

    - developing business continuity plans [Part B]

    - recommendation refinement techniques to the developed strategies and plans [Part B]

    This course is part of a  joint initiative by BCM Institute and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). It is the second in a three-part series SSG WSQ BCM courses. This second WSQ business continuity management (BCM) course is a follow up to the assessing risk and business impact requirement course. This course teaches participants the know-how of developing business continuity strategies  [Part A] and plans [Part B]. It is thus a pre-requisite to complete for the BCM-310 course before registering for this course.

    As part of the syllabus of developing business continuity strategies and plans, participants would be taught competencies of:

    - facilitation techniques to support the development of organisational business continuity strategies [Part A]

    - interpreting the strategies [Part A]

    - developing business continuity plans [Part B]

    - recommendation refinement techniques to the developed strategies and plans [Part B]

    The last of a three-part competency-based Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG),  Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) training series teaches participants the skills of testing and exercising business continuity plans.

    This 1-day workshop would go through the skillsets needed to:

    • support the periodic exercising of crisis response and recovery activities
    • support periodic auditing of business continuity plans
    • participate in business continuity testing,
    • document formal exercise and testing for management review.
    • design and develop their test and exercise
    • base the test design on the maturity of BCM program,

    This Crisis Communication Fundamentals package is ideal for allied practitioners who would like to get a holistic overview of the fundamentals of crisis communication through online learning. Busy professionals will find this course useful as the training is conducted online learning and can be completed over a period of time.

    It will take them through modules on:

    1. Crisis Communication Concepts and Definitions
    2. Crisis Communication Principles, Framework and Policy 
    3. Crisis Communication Planning Methodology
    4. Crisis Types and Scenarios
    5. Establish Crisis Communication Team and Structure

    Certificate of Completion

    Download your Certificate of Completion (COC) for this E-learning course after you have completed the E-learning modules and achieve a minimum of 75% in the assessment in each module.

    Participants would be awarded the Crisis Communication Certified Planner (CCCP) Certification once they complete all 8 modules and attain an assessment score of at least 75%.

    Module 2: Facilitated Online Workshop

    Participants will be given the opportunity to practice the fundamental concepts of crisis communication, to conduct a risk assessment and relate to  ISO 31000 Risk Management, understand the business impact analysis,  select a crisis communication strategy and implement, exercise and test the crisis communication plans.  They would be provided actual templates of these plans to familiarise and use as hands-on practice.

    These are to be done after pre-reading materials and guidance are disseminated. Participants are to attempt the templates for each concept per stage.

    This hands-on practice would be facilitated by senior industry practitioners that include current crisis management managers, consultants and vice presidents from international institutions. This would be done via our online facilitated workshops.

    To know more about what is covered you may like to check out here.

    Note: Participants are required to submit their assignment for each stage and will be assessed at the end of each stages’ session (there are a total of 4 sessions for Module 2). The assignments are expected to be completed and submitted to the facilitator within 3 days after each session, failing which, participants will be disqualified from receiving the internationally recognised Crisis Communication Certified Specialist certification.

    In Module 3, participants will learn how to formulate a crisis communication team, manage a crisis communication flow of events, set up command centre operations, learn more about crisis communication good practices and crisis leadership.

    Similar to Module 2, pre-readings and guidance notes would be shared before participants join a 2 x 2 hour facilitated online workshop on different days.

    To know more about what is covered in the module, you may like to read more here.

    It would then be followed up by Module 4 where participants will be learning on how to maintain crisis communication  (CC) awareness, review CC programme, conduct advanced level CC testing and exercising and design and develop CC exercises (both integrated and simulated).

    Participants would be provided pre-readings and guidance notes before they present in the 2 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop.

    To know more about what is covered in the module, you may like to check out this page.

    Module 1 – Crisis Communication  E-Learning Courses

    Sign up to our Crisis Communication Fundamentals E-learning

    Note: Participant is expected to complete Module 1 within 4 weeks after registering before pursuing Module 2.

    Module 2 – Facilitated Online Workshop

    Participants will be given the opportunity to practice the fundamental concepts of crisis communication, to conduct a risk assessment and relate to  ISO 31000 Risk Management, understand the business impact analysis,  select a crisis communication strategy and implement, exercise and test the crisis communication plans.  They would be provided actual templates of these plans to familiarise and use as hands-on practice.

    These are to be done after pre-reading materials and guidance are disseminated. Participants are to attempt the templates for each concept per stage.

    This hands-on practice would be facilitated by senior industry practitioners that include current crisis management managers, consultants and vice presidents from international institutions. This would be done via our online facilitated workshops.

    To know more about what is covered you may like to check out here.

    Note: Participants are required to submit their assignment for each stage and will be assessed at the end of each stages’ session (there are a total of 4 sessions for Module 2). The assignments are expected to be completed and submitted to the facilitator within 3 days after each session, failing which, participants will be disqualified from receiving the internationally recognised Crisis Communication Certified Specialist certification.

    Module 3 & 4 – Facilitated Online Workshop

    In Module 3, participants will learn how to formulate a crisis communication team, manage a crisis communication flow of events, set up command centre operations, learn more about crisis communication good practices and crisis leadership.

    Similar to Module 2, pre-readings and guidance notes would be shared before participants join a 2 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop on different days.

    To know more about what is covered in the module, you may like to read more here.

    It would then be followed up by Module 4 where participants will be learning on how to maintain crisis communication  (CC) awareness, review CC programme, conduct advanced level CC testing and exercising and design and develop CC exercises (both integrated and simulated).

    Participants would be provided pre-readings and guidance notes before they present in the 2 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop.

    To know more about what is covered in the module, you may like to check out this page.

    Module 1 – Crisis Communication E-Learning Courses

    Sign up any of the following CC Fundamentals E-learning package:

    Note: Participant is expected to complete Module 1 within 4 weeks after registering before pursuing Module 2

    Module 2 – Facilitated Online Workshop

    Note: Participants are required to submit their assignment and will be assessed at the end of each session (there are a total of 4 sessions for Module 2). The assignments are expected to be completed and submitted to the facilitator within 3 days after each session, failing which, shall disqualify the participant from receiving the CCCS certification.

    The Crisis Communication CC-400 Blended Learning is an advanced Crisis Communication course equivalent to the international certification Crisis Management Manager course.  The combination of both online and face to face interaction allows busy crisis management executives to study with minimal disruption to their schedule.

    The course comprises of 2 modules that would teach participants how to manage a crisis management team, execute crisis communication and develop a crisis simulation exercise. To attempt the course, one has to complete the Crisis Communication CC-300 Blended Learning Course.

    It is expected to be completed within 8 weeks.

    Module 1 & 2 (Module 3 & 4 of CC-5000 Blended Learning) – Facilitated Online Workshop

    In Module 1, participants will learn how to formulate a crisis communication team, manage a crisis communication flow of events, set up command centre operations, learn more about crisis communication good practices and crisis leadership.

    Similar to Module 2, pre-readings and guidance notes would be shared before participants join a 2 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop on different days.

    It would then be followed up by Module 2 where participants will be learning on how to maintain crisis communication  (CC) awareness, review CC programme, conduct advanced level CC testing and exercising and design and develop CC exercises (both integrated and simulated).

    Participants would be provided pre-readings and guidance notes before they present in the 2 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop.

    This 2-Day course is a unique Crisis Communication designed for participants who have no crisis communication but are thrust to assist his/her Crisis Communication counterparts as part of their role as an emergency and incident management, crisis management and/or business continuity management team member.

    This 2-Day course is a unique Crisis Communication designed for participants who have no crisis communication but are thrust to assist his/her Crisis Communication counterparts as part of their role as an emergency and incident management, crisis management and/or business continuity management team member.

    Estimated Duration: 8 hr

    BCM Institute’s E-learning courses cater to the busy Crisis Management (CM) professionals and allow participants to obtain the Crisis Management Certified Planner (CMCP) certification by enrolling for the Crisis Management Fundamentals Package.  

    This package is made up of eight modules that include learning activities and multiple-choice assessment questions.

    It will take them through modules on:

    • Crisis Management Concepts
    • Crisis Management Principles, Framework & Policies
    • Crisis Types & Scenarios
    • Crisis Management Team
    • Threats & Crisis Scenarios
    • Crisis Strategy Development
    • Crisis Management Plan Implementation
    • Advanced Level Testing & Exercising
    Participants would be awarded the Crisis Management Certified Planner (CMCP) Certification once they complete all 8 modules and attain an assessment score of at least 75%.

    CM Course

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

      • Understand the crisis management planning methodology.
      • Assemble the crisis management team members.
      • Assess the risk and threats such as riots, supply chain disruptions and product recalls.
      • Learn to track and trace incident events and prioritize decisions and activities.
      • Link crisis communications within and outside of the organization.
      • Have a clear view of the command and control within the command centres.
      • Coordinate with external agencies and local authorities.
      • Test and exercise the crisis management plan.
      • Manage the crisis management together with other plans such as BC and DR.
    Participants would be eligible to apply for the Crisis Management Certified Specialist (CMCS) Certification once they complete module 1 and module 2, pass the CMCS qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    CM-400 is a 2 module advanced level Crisis Management (CM) course with an additional of 3 and 1/2 hour 150-Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) based examination following the successful completion of the courses. 

    t is also Module 3 and 4 of the CM-5000 course.  There is an option to attend these two modules online or for two days onsite.

    It is primarily designed and developed to instil detailed concepts and knowledge in CM/BCM practitioners, enabling the individual to drive CM programmes and projects for the entire organisation. This course is structured to develop and train Organization BCM coordinators, CM/BC managers, planners, and project managers.

    NOTE: It is a pre-requisite for participants to complete the CM-300: Crisis Management Implementer course before enrolling for the CM-400 Crisis Management Manager / Expert Implementer course.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    CM-400 is a 2 module (day) advanced level Crisis Management (CM) course with an additional of 3 and 1/2 hour 150-Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) based examination, following the successful completion of the course. 

    It is also Module 3 and 4 of the CM-5000 course.  There is an option to attend these two modules online or for two days onsite.

    It is primarily designed and developed to instil detailed concepts and knowledge in CM/BCM practitioners, which will enable the individual to drive CM programmes and projects for the entire organisation. This course is structured to develop and train Organization BCM Coordinator, CM/BC managers, planners, and project managers.

    NOTE: It is a pre-requisite for participants to complete the CM-300: Crisis Management Implementer course before enrolling for the CM-400 Crisis Management Manager / Expert Implementer course.

    Participants would be eligible to apply for the Crisis Management Certified Expert (CMCE) Certification once they complete all modules (M1 - M4), pass the CMCE qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 150 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

    This course teaches developing and setting up the crisis management project framework.

    It covers:

    • Identifying scope and objectives
    • Developing WBS and Deliverables
    • Identifying CM Organization Structures
    • Identifying Crisis Scenario (Threats)
    • Understanding the scope and parameters of risk likelihood rating
    • Setting Risk & Impact Boundaries

    In-house Training. Note that if the training is to implement an actual CM project, the content will be developed in real-time and be ready to implement in your organisation.  The Facilitator will also value-add to guide you to complete a policy and framework document to kick off this project.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks [online]

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

      • Allocate resources for response handling in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Identify crisis response and recovery activities to be implemented in accordance with recovery strategies and business continuity strategies. 
      • Document crisis response and recovery activities data in accordance with information format requirements. 
      • Implement 'return-to-normal' procedures in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Communicate organisational crisis management key messages to relevant stakeholders.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks [online]

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

      • Allocate resources for response handling in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Identify crisis response and recovery activities to be implemented in accordance with recovery strategies and business continuity strategies. 
      • Document crisis response and recovery activities data in accordance with information format requirements. 
      • Implement 'return-to-normal' procedures in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Communicate organisational crisis management key messages to relevant stakeholders.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

      • Allocate resources for response handling in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Identify crisis response and recovery activities to be implemented in accordance with recovery strategies and business continuity strategies. 
      • Document crisis response and recovery activities data in accordance with information format requirements. 
      • Implement 'return-to-normal' procedures in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Communicate organisational crisis management key messages to relevant stakeholders.

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the pertinent skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

      • Allocate resources for response handling in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Identify crisis response and recovery activities to be implemented in accordance with recovery strategies and business continuity strategies. 
      • Document crisis response and recovery activities data in accordance with information format requirements. 
      • Implement 'return-to-normal' procedures in accordance with a crisis management plan.
      • Communicate organisational crisis management key messages to relevant stakeholders.

    This 2-Day course is a follow-up course to the CM-360 Implementing Crisis Management Plan course. Participants are required to have attended and completed the CM-360 Implementing Crisis Management Plan before attending the CC-460 Executing and Managing Crisis Management Plan course.

    It is designed for emergency and incident management, crisis management and/or business continuity management team members who would like to have more in-depth knowledge on how to manage a crisis.

    Module 1 provides a grounding of the IT Disaster Recovery (ITDR) planning knowledge domain.  It helps standardise the terminology and the processes to implement this as a project. 

    BL-DR-5 Module1

    Considerations in IT DR planning and implementation are discussed, as is the establishment of a project steering committee.  These are the topics discussed:

    1. Understand IT DR and BCM Fundamentals
    2. Establish the Need for DR
    3. Walkthrough the DR Planning Methodology
    4. Prepare the Organization for a DR Project
    5. Identify and Evaluate IT and Infrastructure Risks

    DRP-300 IT Disaster Recovery Implementer

    Module 2 would then allow participants to gain an intermediate competency on how to implement an IT DRP plan. In this module, one would learn to conduct a risk assessment, impact analysis, technical considerations for DR planning and strategy. There would be pre-readings for each stage which would then be followed up by a 2 x 3-hour facilitated online workshop and facilitated discussion per stage of the competency taught.

    Module 3 allows participants to have pre-reading on participants to have pre-reading on presenting a DR proposal to senior management, establishing a DR plan and team structure. It would then be followed up with a 2 x 3 hours facilitated online workshop and discussion with your facilitator.

    While Module 4 allows participants to have pre-reading on linking up IT DR to the business units, assembling its  IT DR Plans and, finally, implement and manage IT DR Plans. It would then be followed up by 2 x 2 hour facilitated online training.

    DRP-300 IT Disaster Recovery Implementer

    Module 1 allows participants to understand the fundamentals of DRP through pre-readings and  1 x 1 hour facilitated online workshops.

    Module 2 would then allow participants to gain an intermediate competency on how to implement an IT DRP plan. In this module, one would learn to conduct a risk assessment, impact analysis, technical considerations for DR planning and strategy. There would be pre-readings for each stage which would then be followed up by a 2 x 2-hour facilitated online workshop and facilitated discussion per stage of the competency taught.

    Module 3 allows participants to have pre-reading on participants to have pre-reading on presenting a DR proposal to senior management, establishing a DR plan and team structure. It would then be followed up with a 2 x 1 hour facilitated training and discussion with your facilitator.

    While Module 4 allows participants to have pre-reading on linking up to business units, assembling DR Plans and implement and manage DR Plans. It would then be followed up by 2 x 1 hour facilitated online training.

    Module 1 & 4 – Facilitated Online Workshop

    Module 1 allows participants to understand the fundamentals of DRP through pre-readings and  1 x 1 hour facilitated online workshops.

    Module 2 would then allow participants to gain an intermediate competency on how to implement an IT DRP plan. In this module, one would learn to conduct a risk assessment, impact analysis, technical considerations for DR planning and strategy. There would be pre-readings for each stage which would then be followed up by a 1 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop and facilitated discussion per stage of the competency taught.

    Module 3 allows participants to have pre-reading on participants to have pre-reading on presenting a DR proposal to senior management, establishing a DR plan and team structure. It would then be followed up with a 2 x 1 hour facilitated training and discussion with your facilitator.

    While Module 4 allows participants to have pre-reading on linking up to business units, assembling DR Plans and implement and manage DR Plans. It would then be followed up by 2 x 1 hour facilitated online training.

    Module 1 allows participants to understand the fundamentals of DRP through pre-readings and  1 x 1 hour facilitated online workshops.

    Module 2 would then allow participants to gain an intermediate competency on how to implement an IT DRP plan. In this module, one would learn to conduct a risk assessment, impact analysis, technical considerations for DR planning and strategy. There would be pre-readings for each stage which would then be followed up by a 1 x 1 hour facilitated online workshop and facilitated discussion per stage of the competency taught.

    Module 1 & 2 (Module 3 & 4  DRP-5000 Blended Learning) – Facilitated Online Workshop

    Module 1 allows participants to have pre-reading on participants to have pre-reading on presenting a DR proposal to senior management, establishing a DR plan and team structure. It would then be followed up with a 2 x 1 hour facilitated training and discussion with your facilitator.

    While Module 2 allows participants to have pre-reading on linking up to business units, assembling DR Plans and implement and manage DR Plans. It would then be followed up by 2 x 1 hour facilitated online training.

    Price: SGD 1,650 (Singapore Dollar)  

    This Operational Resilience (OR) Fundamentals package is ideal for a new OR practitioner who would like to know the end-to-end process of starting an Operational Resilience program for their organization and maintaining it once it has been implemented.  This is a workshop-facilitated online module.

    It will take them through modules on:

    • Overview of Operational Resilience
    • Update on Regulatory Positions
    • Operational Resilience Framework, Principles, and Cycle
    • Types of operational disruptions and important business
    • services
    • Impact tolerances and mapping operational resilience
    • inter-dependencies across the organization
    • Types of scenario testing
    Participants would be awarded an Operational Resilience (OR) Certified Planner (ORCP) Certificate upon completing the Module 1 course and passing the ORCP exam.

    Price: SGD 2,400 (Singapore Dollar)  

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks 

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge, empowering them to:

    • Build an Operational Resilience Programme
    • Recognize and analyse types of operational disruptions
    • Identify important business services
    • Set appropriate impact tolerances for important business services
    • Map operational resilience across the organization
    • Perform scenario testing
    • Communicate operational resilience plans effectively

    Price: SGD 2,400 (Singapore Dollars)  

    Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 4 weeks

    Plan and Manage an Operational Resilience Program

    Attending the course will provide the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge, empowering them to plan and develop the initiation of these critical components of an operational resilience program.  The core components include:

      • Plan and develop the initiation of the OR implementation
      • Assess Capability and Maturity
      • Analyse Gap
      • Develop Strategy and Roadmap
      • Confirm Risk Appetite
      • Develop and Embed Governance

      Price: SGD 3,850 (Singapore Dollar)  

      Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 8 weeks

      Implement Operational Resilience Framework

      This course will enable the participants to be equipped with following core implementation steps:

      • Governance
      • Business Services
      • Impact Tolerance
      •  Mapping and Resources
      • Internal and External Communication to stakeholders
      • Scenario Testing
      • Lesson Learnt
      • Self-assessment

      Price: SGD 1,650 (Singapore Dollar)  

      This Operational Resilience (OR) Fundamentals package is ideal for a new OR practitioner who would like to know the end-to-end process of starting an Operational Resilience program for their organization and maintaining it once it has been implemented.  This is a workshop-facilitated online module.

      It will take them through modules on:

      • OR Terminology and Related Concepts
      • Operational Resilience Planning Methodology
      • Identify Critical Business Services
      • Map Processes and Resources
      • Set Impact Tolerance
      • Conduct Scenario Testing
      • Improve Lesson Learnt
      Participants would be awarded an Operational Resilience (OR) Certified Planner (ORCP) Certificate upon completing the Module 1 course and passing the ORCP exam.

      Estimated Duration: 8 hr

      This ISO 22301 Fundamentals package is ideal for a new BCM practitioner who would like to know the end to end process of how to start a BCM plan for their organisation as well as maintain it once it has been implemented through online learning.

      It will take them through modules on:

      • Overview of Business Continuity Management
      • Project Management
      • Risk Analysis and Review
      • Business Impact Analysis
      • Business Continuity Strategy
      • BC Plan Development
      • Testing and Exercising
      • Program Management
      Participants would be awarded 8 Certificate of CompIetion and 1 Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP) Certificate.

      Price: SGD 1,650 (Singapore Dollar)  

      This Operational Resilience (OR) Fundamentals package is ideal for a new OR practitioner who would like to know the end-to-end process of starting an Operational Resilience program for their organization and maintaining it once it has been implemented.  This is a workshop-facilitated online module.

      It will take them through modules on:

      • Overview of Operational Resilience
      • Update on Regulatory Positions
      • Operational Resilience Framework, Principles, and Cycle
      • Types of operational disruptions and important business
      • services
      • Impact tolerances and mapping operational resilience
      • inter-dependencies across the organization
      • Types of scenario testing
      Participants would be awarded an Operational Resilience (OR) Certified Planner (ORCP) Certificate upon completing the Module 1 course and passing the ORCP exam. 

      Eligiblility for ORAS and ORAE.  It is important to note that after completing modules 2 and 3 and with more than one year of audit experience, you can apply for your OR Audit Specialist or ORAS certification.  If you complete Modules 2 to 4 after finishing Module 1, you can proceed to apply for the OR Audit Expert or ORAE certification if you have more than three years of audit experience.

      Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

      Attending the course will provide the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge, empowering them to: 

      • Understand ISO22301 BCMS Concepts and Process
      • Understand the BCMS Framework and BCM Program
      • Aligning to ISO 22301/ 22313 BCMS Standard
      • Planning and Preparing the BCMS Audit

      Participants should be able to understand the details of an audit application: the planning, preparation, deployment, and implementation of an audit assignment.

      This is Module 2 of both BCM-8030 ISO 22301 BCMS Auditor & BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor

      Participants would be eligible to apply for the Business Continuity Certified Auditor (BCCA) Certification once they complete module 1, module 2 and module 3, pass the BCCA qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

      Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

      These 2 module sessions would take participants through what is expected of an Operational Resilience auditor. Participants will be taught how to conduct audit fieldwork and present their findings. 

      The participants should understand the key areas and considerations when auditing the operational resilience project and program. The participant can develop the audit and compliance strategy by understanding the OR framework and requirements aligned to the international and local OR standards and the audit process.

      Participants are required to attend two 3 hours sessions that will concentrate on the following:

      • Able to have a good understanding of Operational Resilience Audit
      • Able to conduct audit fieldwork on an organisation
      • Able to perform an audit interview and present findings of the audit

      This is Module 3 of both ORA-400 Audit Manager or ORA-5000 OR Audit Expert

      Participants would be eligible to apply for the OR Audit Expert Certification once they complete modules 1 to 4, pass the ORAE qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQ), and submit the certification application form.

      Estimated Duration: Lapse period of 2 weeks

      This is Module 4 for the OR Audit Expert course only.

      Participants can look forward to knowing how to review and report OR audit findings and how to conduct an audit follow-up.

      Participants would be eligible to apply for the Operational Resilience Audit Expert (ORAE) Certification once they complete all modules (M1 - M4), pass the ORAE qualifying examination with a required passing score of at least 75% out of 150 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and submit the certification application form.

      Apply for Business Continuity Certified Expert Certification

      This is the process for the application for the BCCE certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Business Continuity Specialist Certification

      This is the process for the application of the BCCS certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor Certification

      This is the process for the application for the BCCLA certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Business Continuity Certified Auditor Certification

      This is the process for the application for the BCCLA certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Business Continuity Certification Certification

      This is the process for the application of the CMCE certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      This is the process for the application of the CMCS certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Crisis Communication Continuity Certified Expert Certification

      This is the process for the application for the CCCE certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      This is the process for the application of the CCCS certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Operational Resilience Certified Expert Certification

      This is the process for the application for the ORCE certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      Apply for Operational Resilience Certified Specialist Certification

      This is the process for the application for the ORCS certification.

      [1] Review pre-requisite for certification application

      [2] Download [a] Certification Application From [CAF] [b] Completion Checklist {CAF-CC]

      [3] Submit CAF and CAF-CC via Upload

      Useful Supporting Information

      [1] Confirm certification application eligibility {Optional if you are sure}

      [2] Complete Certification Application Form [CAF]

      [3] Complete Completion Checklist [CAF-CC]

      [4] Review Sample Body of Knowledge Submission for Completion of CAF Section 3

      The Business Continuity Certified Auditor (BCCA) certification is to provide the accreditation for compliance, financial and IT auditors responsible for reviewing and auditing the organisation’s business continuity management (BCM) program.  BCM professionals at organisation and business unit level assigned to conduct internal review and audit requirements for their ISO22301 BCM system (BCMS) should be certified with this credential.  Middle management, department representatives, business unit coordinators, Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery managers and planners with auditing and reviewing the ISO22301 BCMS. Candidates should have successfully completed BCM-8030: ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System Auditor course and had met the necessary requirement for the auditing and BCM experience.

      How to be Certified

      The individuals should have met and continue to meet the following requirements:

      The Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor (BCCLA) certification is designed and developed to instil pertinent concepts and knowledge in BCM practitioners and Audit professionals; which will enable them to audit and review organizational-wide ISO22301 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). The certification is useful for internal and external auditors assigned to audit BCM program.  This course is designed and developed to train management system auditors, financial auditors, BC managers, planners, and project managers who are keen on certifying organisations.

      How to be Certified

      The individuals should have met and continue to meet the following requirements:

      • Successful completion of the BCCLA examination with a required passing score of 75% out of 150 Multiple-choice Questions (MCQ)
      • The candidate must also successfully complete a case study
      • At least 1-year of experience in business continuity management (BCM) and/or disaster recovery planning (DRP) auditing and reviewing of BC plan.
      • Submit the Certification Application Form to certification@bcm-institute.org

      The Business Continuity Certified Specialist (BCCS) certification is designed and developed for middle management, department representatives, business unit coordinators, Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery managers and planners. Candidates will be imparted with essential skills and knowledge of business impact analysis, risk analysis, testing and exercising, and keeping BC plans current. Candidates will also be introduced to the key concepts of developing business continuity and disaster recovery strategies, design and implementation of BC plans, preparing and conducting awareness and training programs.

      How to be Certified

      To become a BCCS certified professional, a candidate must successfully complete four separate processes:

      • Formal Education (attend and complete the BCM-300: ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems Implementer course)
      • Examination (attempt and pass the Qualifying BCCS examination)
      • Show proof of at least 1 year of verifiable BC experience
      • Make payment of SGD75 (non refundable) application processing fee.

      The Business Continuity Certified Expert (BCCE) certification is designed and developed to instill pertinent concepts and knowledge in BCM practitioners which will enable them to drive organizational-wide BCM programs or Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS), develop business continuity and recovery strategies, develop and implement comprehensive BC plans and BCM awareness and training programs, conduct exercises and tests and implement BCM audit and assessment programs to ensure BC plan effectiveness.  This certification is most suited for Organisation BCM Coordinator, BCM managers, planners and project managers and BU BCM Coordinator.

      How to be Certified

      To become a BCCE-certified professional, a candidate must successfully complete four separate processes:

      • Formal Education (completion of either the BCM-400: ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Manager or BCM-5000: ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Expert Implementer course)
      • Examination (pass the Qualifying BCCE examination)
      • Show proof of 3-years of verifiable BC experience
      • Make a payment of SGD150 (non-refundable) application processing fee.

      The Qualifying Crisis Management Certified Specialist (CMCS) Examinations are designed to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals in effectively managing and responding to crises within an organization. This certification validates a professional's ability to develop, implement, and oversee crisis management plans and procedures. 

      Candidates are evaluated on their understanding of key concepts such as risk assessment, crisis communication, emergency response strategies, and post-crisis recovery. The examination ensures that certified specialists are equipped to handle various types of crises, including natural disasters, cyber incidents, and organizational disruptions. Achieving CMCS certification demonstrates a high level of competence and commitment to maintaining organizational resilience and safeguarding stakeholders' interests.

      The Qualifying Crisis Management Certified Expert (CMCE) Examination is a rigorous evaluation designed to assess individuals' knowledge and expertise in crisis management practices and principles. The CMCE Examination covers a wide range of topics essential for effectively managing crises, including risk assessment, crisis communication, decision-making under pressure, and post-crisis recovery.

      This 100 MCQs examination evaluates candidates' understanding of best practices, industry standards, and theoretical frameworks related to crisis management. It assesses their ability to develop and implement crisis management plans, coordinate response efforts, and mitigate the impact of crises on organizations and stakeholders. 

      Successful completion of the CMCE Examination demonstrates that candidates possess the expertise and capabilities necessary to lead and navigate organizations through crises effectively. It provides employers, clients, and stakeholders with confidence in the candidate's ability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from a wide range of crises, ensuring business continuity and resilience in the face of adversity.

      The Disaster Recover Certified Specialist (DRCS) certification is designed to recognize individuals for their efforts to acquire essential and fundamental knowledge and skills in crisis management. These individuals may be senior and middle management, or business executives, who are required to help their departments or business units (or sub-units) to develop CM, BC, DR, emergency response, recovery and resumption processes, procedures and/or plans.

      The Disaster Recovery Certified Expert (DRCE) certification is designed to recognize individuals for their efforts to acquire essential and fundamental knowledge and skills in crisis management. These individuals may be senior and middle management, or business executives, who are required to help their departments or business units (or sub-units) to develop CM, BC, DR, emergency response, recovery and resumption processes, procedures and/or plans.