Price: USD200
Estimated Duration: 1 hr

This module would allow participants to learn more about the fundamentals of Business Continuity (BC) Plan Development.

They will be taught to understand the basic content, format and procedures of a BC Plan and the Plan Development process through online learning. Participants will also be taught be aware of the various BC teams and how they interact during a disaster. Participants are also taught to be aware of some of the ideal team member characteristics. Incident and emergency response plans and procedures would also be taught where participants will be aware of the various roles and responsibilities of various persons during an incident and emergency response.

Participants will also get to learn the crisis management and communication process during a disaster where they will get to understand the role of a Command Centre, the do’s and don’ts in a crisis communication as well as to understand the Incident Command System (ICS).

At the end of the module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts and process in a BC Plan Development
  • Know the purpose and composition of teams and individuals involved in the BC Plan Development phase
  • Understand Incident and Emergency Response
  • Understand Crisis Management and Communications

Participants would be awarded a Certificate of CompIetion.